Ongoing Research


The goal of the Global Tree Meditation is to bring together the groups and individuals that work with the tree beings and all others who would like to deepen their spiritual connection to nature and assist in the elevation of human consciousness. Individually we are powerful. Together we create a synergy to facilitate the evolution of all beings seen and unseen on the planet, including Gaia herself.

Tree - Selfic painting

Tree activation, Gaia and Selfic technology

Human presence and intention are indispensable to re-establish the spiritual connection with the tree world, an alliance our species broke, forgetting that we are all part of the same living and spiritual eco-system.

Global tree network

Orienting urban trees: natural reconnection

During a Thursday evening ‘serata’ meeting at Damanhur featuring questions and answers about various research topics, Falco—the founder of Damanhur—elaborated on the Tree Orientation project. Here are some thoughts he shared with us…

Trees in cities

Stellar rhythms and human potential: the future of Tree Orientation

During a Thursday evening ‘serata’ meeting at Damanhur (which can be seen on livestream in Italian) featuring questions and answers about various research topics, Falco—the founder of Damanhur—elaborated on the Tree Orientation project. Here are excerpts from his response to the question…


Connect to our eldest Tree-Friends

Did you oriented with your pendulum or any other tools ancient trees? If yes, maybe some you didn´t pass to us, yet? What is the massage they gave to you?

Oldest tree friends
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