The Global Tree Network (GTN) has arisen out of a collaboration between Damanhur, Federation of Communities, and Wisdom University.
The purpose of the Network is to launch a global campaign of awareness and celebration of the relationship between humans and trees. At the core of this initiative is a specific technique devised in Damanhur, and people from all over the world are invited to participate, adding their unique artistic, cultural, and spiritual approaches.
It is clear that forests, grasslands, and underwater flora around the world are under severe duress from pollution, desertification, flooding, and the insatiable demand from humans for more land. During the last few decades, more old growth forest has been ravaged than throughout the thousands of years of human presence dating back to the Paleolithic period. Indeed, in the past 50 years, 50% of all the trees on the planet have been cut down. As Damanhur’s founder Falco puts it, “It was not the beavers.”
Under these conditions, and in particular because there are so few ancient trees left alive, trees cannot connect according to their natural and ancient ways. Since we humans are the ones culpable for this, we must take the lead in proactively enabling trees to regain their health and equilibrium in the same manner in which people everywhere are working with specific species of animals and birds to re-create and protect their natural habitats.
Damanhur began this effort to “orient” trees using a unique technique based on “Selfic” technology that was introduced more than forty years ago by Falco and which has been developed at Damanhur ever since. Selfica creates objects mostly made of metals and special inks that serve as conduits for highly specialized energies that can interact both with humans and the environment.
Thanks to human action and specifically-prepared Selfic objects that function as mediators between human energies and those of the plant world, this technique creates a coherent field among the trees, re-establishing their ability to connect fully to one another and to other species in common networks. In this way, through their sensitivity and specific intelligence, trees create what Falco describes as “the largest and most powerful living computer” on earth, such that the trees’ intelligence is able to elaborate data relating to our planet and provide an effective relationship with the rest of our living ecology.
Once “oriented,” trees will be able to interact actively to transform the ecosystem, also adapting their own shape and form. The underwater flora will be able to adapt more swiftly and become more resilient to the acidification of the ocean, having a positive effect on the plankton-climate connection. Put simply, by “orienting” the trees, they will be able to adapt more effectively to the growing ecological degradation and to act proactively with other species, including humans, to generate creative responses and solutions. We are in a planetary crisis and all species are and must come together to respond. Humans alone will not be able to solve our planetary crisis, only humans working creatively with many other species. This recognition lies at the heart of the Global Tree Nework.
The Selfic technique pioneered in Damanhur was brought to the Santa Cruz Mountains in California in 2011 where over 6,000 trees were “oriented” by a small, dedicated team of people from Wisdom University. Tree orientation is quickly spreading around the world as literally dozens of groups have begun to use the Selfic technique to “orient” trees in their own communities. Tree orientations are now taking place in more than 80 countries on all five continents.
By “orienting” trees with love and respect and in a spirit of joyous celebration, humans will be recognized by trees as allies in re-creating a new balance with nature. Trees will once again allow us to access their wisdom and ancient memories, and humans, perhaps for the first time, will learn that their survival depends on the activation of the entire living ecology.
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